Sunday, September 17, 2006

Today had a long day.. Went to church then went to Orchard to study!

Church's sermon - Depression {how God can help us}

Me Sarah & Jereme met Brian Wilson at Orchard Mrt after church. We than went to Orchard Library to study. We were sitting at Cafe Galilee & we didnt buy anything. The lady than came up to us and kindly asked us to buy something, twice as the first time nobody wanted to buy. In the end Jereme bought haaa.

When everybody had no mood to study already, we went to find something to eat. Brian & Sarah was feeling hungry. It was like only 2 hours after we ate won ton mee. I was feeling abit hungry too haaaa. We walked around trying to find something to eat but everything was just so expensive. And we ended up at the kopitiam. And so we ate :D

After eating, we went to Cineleisure. And went to tcc to eat AGAIN. ROAR! Its all that brian wilson's fault. He treated me :D muahaha. The desert was yumyumyum. Chocolate oozed out from the brownie and there was ice cream ontop. It was simply heaven! But you know how much is the bill, $42.65. For just 4 deserts. Wth?! Its day-light robbery. But Brian paid like $30 of it. Not really, he just took sarah's change and put in a $10 note. Roar the service charge and GST was like $5. Singapore Government is seriously greedy taking money from so young and innocent people like brian.

At tcc, found out about ______'s result. He failed maths, Geog quite good but the rest barely past. grrr can't he study and get promoted to express. but i think if that happens, the sky will fall.

Ate simply alot! i almost couldn't walk. we than went to 3rd level to walk. Nobody ever goes there so we decided to take a look. And after that decided to go to Brian's house.

Watched She's The Man & Tokyo Drift. His room was rather big yea. And he looked so different from last time. He looked so so so much cuter than now. I guess small people look cuter than grown up mature people.

Jereme than send Sarah home as they live near. Dover park view & Dover Close East. Super near hur. Than Brian send me to the bus stop and I took 195. We were laughing about the line in She's the man "Do you like cheese...?" Its stupid haaaaaa.

I realised that i can walk from cine go home. Cause from cine, we walked to Brian's house. And Brian's house is just one stop away from Great World. And Great World can walk home. But pretty far. At least if my ez-link card no money than I can walk home if I'm in Brian's house.


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